2025 Student Poster Competition

You are invited to participate in EPAZ’s 2025 Student Poster Competition!
Share your passions, research, business ideas, etc. with environmental professionals (and potential employers!) from across Arizona at the 20th Annual EPAZ Conference to be held on March 3 - 4, 2025 at the Doubletree Conference Center, 2100 South Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85282


Who can participate?

Both undergraduate and graduate students studying at the universities, community colleges, and technical schools pursuing degrees within environmental fields are encouraged to participate in the competition.

Why participate?

This is a unique opportunity to network with professionals in the environmental field; as the competition will be judged by attendees of the 20th Annual EPAZ Conference. This is also a powerful addition to your resume, demonstrating that you have been active and engaged beyond the classroom.  Posters will be limited to 8 participants and all participants shall receive a full conference registration, plus you could win up to $350!

When & Where?

Deadline to submit topic (100-200 words) and poster outline is November 18, 2024.  If selected, the poster must be complete and ready to be presented at the annual conference.

Posters will be judged based on:

  • Clarity of objectives
  • Organization of ideas
  • Individuality/Innovation of content
  • Visual appeal
  • Overall demonstration of poster

View 2025 Poster Guidelines


Submit Your Entry

Questions can be directed via email to: Laura Hodson.

Learn about our Scholarship for Arizona Students.