Community Service
CALL TO ACTION - From the EPAZ Community Service Committee
Environmental Professionals of Arizona (EPAZ) Members - “THE GREATEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF IS TO GIVE OF YOURSELF”
The EPAZ Board has initiated a Community Service Committee for the purposes of getting EPAZ and its members more involved in community service activities to increase our exposure and more importantly to give back to our community in a positive manner.
Committee Mission:
To seek out projects benefiting our community which can take advantage of the specific expertise of EPAZ members and promote our community involvement.
Find out when our next meeting or event is and register to attend by visiting the Calendar!
Planned Community Service Activities:
The focus will be on community service activities related to air, water, and waste, but will also include volunteer and civic organizations. These planned community service activities could be:
- Volunteering and participating in Clean Air Events
- Volunteering and participating in a Water Drive
- Volunteering and participating in Household Waste Cleanup Events
- Volunteering and participating in River Cleanup Events
- Volunteering and participating in Brownfield Cleanup Events
- Volunteering and participating in Trash Cleanup Events in parks, hiking trails, etc.
- Volunteering and participating in events for veterans
- Preparing and serving meals at Ronald McDonald’s House
- Preparing and serving meals at Andre House one evening per quarter – requires 15 to 20 people
- Other events, organizations, and efforts identified by our members. If there is a way to give back to our community, environment, and population, we are interested.
Benefits of Participating:
- It shows the citizens, businesses, and leaders of Arizona that EPAZ values our community and environment and that its members work every day to maintain and improve it
- It allows individual EPAZ members to network with other EPAZ members in ways much longer and different than is possible at other venues
- You will always learn something new about volunteer and civic organizations, as well as yourself
Andre House of Hospitality:

The Andre House is always looking for volunteers to help prepare and serve meals to the homeless. We encourage you to visit their Volunteer HUB to register to help out. Volunteering usually requires a commitment from 3:00 to 7:00 PM.
Community Service Committee Chairs:
Rick Haskins Health and Safety, LLC (480) 229-7757 [email protected]